Oracle Fix It Fast Dispatcher Demo
Our goal was to show case Oracle technology that enables our customers to have access to real time data through the cloud. The story line shows the dispatcher’s ability to monitor the daily workload of a team of technicians in the field. This information is valuable in that it:
Communicates incoming, assigned, completed and incomplete incidents from the field to the dispatcher.
Provides data visualization tools that examine the time spent per incidents as well as revenue generated by each incident.
Contains geo maps sharing the location of the technician to the dispatcher. This ensures efficient assignment of new incidents to the appropriate team members.
Note: This demo has been built for interaction on mobile tablets.
My Role
I created all the visual designs for the demo and provided all of the specifications to Engineering for the Fix IT Fast demo.
In addition, I worked alongside an Interaction Designer, and a Product Manager.
Search Input Results
This screen shows the search results for both the customers and the technicians through the use of predictive text.
Dashboard Screen
This screen contains a scorecard section at the top of the screen that enables the dispatcher to assess all incident status for the current day. Below the scorecard section, there is a daily schedule card informing the dispatcher which customer sites the technicians are assigned to work at. Below the schedule card, there are four digital visualization tool (DVT) cards as follows:
1. The Categories card enables the dispatcher to keep an account of how many incident categories have occurred during the previous months.
2. The Time & Revenue card enables the dispatcher to assess the time spent per incident and the revenue each incident generated over a period of time.
3. The Demographics card presents the incident category and status count over time, as well as their percent by the use of the bar and pie chart.
4. The Locations card enables the dispatcher to monitor the customer sites the technicians are assigned to.
New Incident
This screen is divided into two columns. On the left side there is a details section that enables the dispatcher to enter a text description and upload a photo as well as select radio check boxes to list the status, type, and category of the new incident. The second section enables the dispatcher to add a new customer or quickly view contact information of current clients.
This screen has a header bar that contains an "Assign" button. Below the header bar the screen is divided into three columns.
The first column entitled, "New Incidents," contains list item incidents prioritized as high, normal or low. Each list item contains a descriptive incident title and body text listing the customers' name, their status as to whether they are a "Big Spender," and a time stamp of when the incident was created. Making a selection in the first column will cause a list of suitable technicians who are certified to fix that incident category appear in the second "Technicians" column.
The third column lists the technicians appointments and any available time slots. Below the appointments, there is an "Appointment Locations" map.
Incidents List Tab
This screen enables the dispatcher to filter the incidents by date, status, priority, category, type and technician.
Incidents Map Tab
This screen enables the dispatcher to view each technicians current location. There is also a tab bar that enables the map to appear in a street, satellite, or hybrid view. There is also a floating dialog that pertains to the selected new incidents list item within "Scheduler" screen.
Incidents SchedulE TAB
This screen contains a date picker, and a gantt chart listing the technicians appointments for the day. A dialog appears listing information related to the incident.
Incident Detail
This screen contains incident details pertaining to the technician appointment, customer contact information, and a text message area for easy communication.
Customers List View
This screen contains the customer contact information, open incidents status, appointments scheduled, and controls to edit the data or add a new customer in a list view orientation.
Customer Grid View
This screen contains the customer contact information, open incidents status, appointments scheduled, view incident history link, and controls to edit the data or add a new customer in a grid view orientation.
Customer Detail
This screen contains customer contact information, incident history, a geo map and some data visualization tools pertaining to past incidents.
Technicians' Expertise
This screen consists of the technicians' cards containing their avatar, name, category skill badges, history of incidents they've worked on, average time spent per incident and average customer rating during the time span of the 1rst Quarter.
Technician Profile
This screen contains the technicians' contact information, category expertise badges, calendar appointments, and data visualization tools displaying areas of expertise.
Technicians' History
This screen shows the technicians' history of incidents worked on as well as performance indicators measured by status, category and revenue.
The Oracle Fix It Fast Dispatcher Demo was considered very successful in that we had achieved our goals. It was also very well received by:
Our Customers base who were shown positive life examples of what our technology could do for their business or services with real time data through the cloud.
Our Engineering team as I had posted all of the demo screens in sketch file format to the InVision servers to ensure they would have all of the specification information they required when viewing the files in the “Inspect” mode