Alta Mobile Profile Pattern
I created the visual design of the images below for the Alta Mobile Profile Pattern.
The Profile pattern is a screen dedicated to the user/owner. The Profile is often information which the user has submitted about themselves and also includes links to other information which is pertinent to the user (i.e. inbox, newsfeeds, direct messages). A profile provides the user a central, public location to display all the relevant content and information about themselves to others - both those they know and those they don't. Profile is commonly used on social networking apps. The profile often shows new friends, connections, and groups that a user has joined. Shows a list of public comments (i.e., activity announcements, pokes, wall comments, etc.). Shows users' status and mood information. Shows any recent activities in their applications that they have subscribed to (e.g., books they have read, movies they have watched, etc.). Showing such information makes users' profiles seem more "alive" and useful for their co-workers and/or friends. For enterprise social networking, the profile often shows the users work assignments/projects, documents they may be following/watching, lists of coworkers, and work contact information.
Appearance characteristics for this pattern may change based on ownership of the profile. For example, a user who views their own profile may see additional details which a public user viewing the same profile may not be able to view.
Personal Information
Name, Title, Group, Role, Contact Information (Optional), User Image, Photos, Friends, Following, Edit Link
Public Information
Name, Title, Group, Role, Contact Information (Optional), User Image, Follow Link
Friend Information
Name, Title, Group, Role, Contact Information (Optional), User Image, Photos, Friends, Following, Unfollow Link
Sheet with Take Photo with Camera button, Upload New Photo button, and Cancel button.